Unequivocally, the immense inclination towards the usage of social media has been encountered by all of us. We are so much dependent on social media, both for entertainment and for information. Maybe, this is the reason a social media platform like Facebook is widely used by everyone. Facebook seems to a great source of information and entertainment. The exclusive features of it are way too attractive and useful. You can simply scroll down the feed and get connected to the world. You are just a click away from the world. Also, you enjoy uploading pictures, downloading videos, reacting and commenting on pictures and what not!
Yes, sometimes the tagging issue becomes severe. As it is a huge social media platform, where anyone can send you request, anyone can upload your picture but the most annoying part is related to the unnecessary tagging. Imagine, you have been tagged in a post or a picture without your permission. Wouldn’t it be a pathetic situation to deal with? Of course yes! So, here in this article, we would like to discuss the various ways to get over this particular problem. Have a look at this and get a solution. Also, you can seek help from the Facebook customer service number.
How do I remove tags from posts?
At first, you are supposed to connect your system to a stable internet connection
Then, type the address of the Facebook, in the address bar (www.facebook.com)
After that, you are supposed to go to the post
In the top right corner, tap on the three dots
Then, you are required to click on the ‘remove tag’
How do I remove tag from a photo?
You are supposed to go to the photo
Hover over the photo
In the bottom right, click on options
You are supposed to remove tag
How do I remove tag with the help of Activity log?
It is also possible to remove tags from multiple images at once. Have a look, try this!
At first, move to your news feed
Move to the top left corner of your profile, click on your name
At the bottom right corner of your cover photo, click on the activity log
In the left column, click on the photos and videos
Then, you are supposed to click on the photos and videos you are tagged in
You are supposed to click on the check box, just to the left of the photos
Select the one you want to remove the tag from
Click Report/Remove tag
Select your preference
Then, click on untag photos to confirm
These are the steps you are supposed to follow. If you do follow the steps, definitely you can avoid the unwanted tagging. You can have a look at this article and find a stable solution for this. You are allowed to seek assistance of the experts as well.